Relative Dolbeault Geometric Langlands via the Regular Quotient (2024) with Zhilin Luo and Benedict Morrissey. [arxiv]
The Hitchin Fibration for Symmetric Pairs (2024) with Benedict Morrissey. [arxiv]
The Companion Section for Classical Groups (2024) with Ngô Bảo Châu. Accepted at the International Journal of Mathematics [arxiv]
A Refined Count of Coxeter Element Reflection Factorizations (2018) with Elise delMas and Victor Reiner. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. [published version]
Chow Rings of Vector Space Matroids (2019) with Connor Simpson and Sujit Rao. Journal of Combinatorics. [published version],[arxiv]
Invited Talks:
Number Theory Seminar. Johns Hopkins University (January 2024).
Representation Theory/Number Theory Seminar. Boston College (November 2023).
Conference on the Hitchin system, Langlands duality and mirror symmetry. ICMAT, Madrid (April 2023). Video linked here.
Number Theory Seminar. Duke University (March 2023). Video linked here.
Conferences Attended:
Summer School and Workshop on Relative Langlands Duality. University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (June 2024).
Western Algebraic Geometry Symposium. UC Davis (April 2024).
AMS Sectional Meeting, Special Session on Geometric Methods in Representation Theory. UW Milwaukee (April 2024).
AMS Sectional Meeting, Special Session on Automorphic Forms and Trace Formulae (April 2024).